Saturday, 15 November 2008

Jawatankuasa Warga Stoke yang baru.

Alhamdulillah, mesyuarat berjalan dengan lancar pada 15 Nov 2008 (Sabtu) Maka dengan rasminya berakhir sudah tanggungjawab Tok Penghulu yang lama. Tahniah dan selamat maju jaya kepada jawatankuasa yang dilantik. Dilampirkan minit mesyuarat yang disediakan oleh setiausaha.


Dengan hormatnya saya merujuk kepada mesyuarat komuniti melayu Islam Stoke yang diadakan semalam pada hari Sabtu 15 Disember 2008. Berikut adalah keputusan mesyuarat tersebut:-

Bahawa Tok Penghulu masa ini iaitu Encik Zahar akan terus membantu dari belakang dengan memberikan segala pengalaman dan tunjuk ajar beliau kepada Ahli Jawatankuasa Komuniti Melayu Islam Stoke Januari 2009/Januari 2010 yang di pilih semalam. Berikut adalah nama AJK yang dipilih sebulah suara oleh mereka yang hadir:-

Penghulu :- Encik Senek Baba Mohd Salleh
Timbalan Penghulu :- Encik Mohamad Rawi
Setiausaha :- Encik Mohamad Rameez
Bendahari :- Encik Najib Abas

Biro Kebajikan/Jamuan :- Puan Saliza Hanim
Biro Agama/Usrah :- Puan Nik Salida Suhaila
Biro Pelajar Melayu Keele/Staffordshire:- Encik Yannik Anuar Ghani
Biro Sukan :- Encik Muhamamad Zulfaisal
Biro Penempatan :- Encik Parvaiz

Mesyuarat turut bersetuju akan perkara berikut:-

i. Bahawa majlis usrah yang dianjurkan oleh kommuniti adalah diadakan sebagai aktiviti bulanan iaitu sebulan sekali(walaupun begitu usrah secara tidak rasmi boleh diadakan setiap dua minggu sekali).

ii. Bahawa telah dipersetujui bahawa usrah rasmi kommuniti melayu islam stoke yang pertama diadakan pada hari Sabtu 29 November 2008 pada jam 5.30 petang, bertempat kalau boleh di rumah penghulu sebagai menghormati beliau yang dipilih baru-baru ini(Mohon Puan Salida selaku Pengerusi Biro Agama memaklumkan kepada warga stoke mengenai perkara ini.) Majlis bersetuju agar Ustaz Erfino dari MSD London dipilih untuk memberikan ceramah agama rasmi pertama kommuniti melayu Islam stoke. Mohon Puan Salida berhubung dengan Encik Rameez selepas ini untuk memastikan aktiviti pertama berjalan dengan lancar)

Majlis Usrah selepas ini akan turut diadakan mengambil kira waktu dan masa terluang ahli kommuniti agar ramai yang turut hadir. Juga dipersetujui bahawa aktiviti usrah tidak perlu formal dan dihadkan kepada masyarakat melayu islam stoke sahaja(termasuk mereka yang berkahwin dengan penduduk Melayu Islam stoke).

iii. Bahawa majlis jamuan aidil adha akan diadakan pada bulan Disember. Tarikhnya belum ditetapkan dan jamuan dilakukan secara potluck. tiada kutipan wang bagi majlis tersebut akan diadakan. urusan pembahagian tugas akan dilakukan oleh Penghulu dengan kerjasama dari Puan Hanim selaku pengerusi Biro Kebajikan dan Jamuan.

iv. Bahawa bersetuju untuk mengutip wang sebanyak £2 setiap keluarga atau individu(tanpa keluarga) setiap bulan bagi menampung perbelanjaan seperti membiayai tambang pergi balik ustaz dan sebagainya.

v. Bahawa satu aktiviti sukan futsall akan diadakan . sila rujuk kepada Encik Zulfaisal selaku pengerusi biro sukan.

vi. Bahawa tujuan sebenar komuniti melayu islam stoke ditubuhkan adalah pada khususnya untuk membantu para pelajar melayu yang menuntut di Stoke dan pada amnya sebagai aktiviti bersama dalam menjalinkan hubungan rapat antara penduduk melayu Islam stoke sesama lain tanpa mengira darjat dan sebagainya.

vii. Bahawa segala masalah sebelum ini dilupakan dan bergerak sama-sama, serta saling menghormati satu sama lain tanpa megira kedudukan, darjat dan sebagainya.

viii. Bahawa jawatan penghulu dan AJK lain adalah hanya bagi satu tahun sahaja dan akan di pilih semula pada Disember 2009.

ix. Bahawa satu majlis bersama bagi meraikan penghulu yang sedia ada dan isteri beliau, turut juga mereka yang akan menamatkan pengajian diadakan pada satu waktu yang ditentukan kemudian oleh penghulu dipilih bersama dengan AJK beliau.

x. Juga dipohon agar apa-apa idea untuk memantapkan lagi aktiviti kommuniti Melayu Islam stoke dirujuk terlebih dahulu kepada penghulu dan komuniti untuk dipersetujui bagi menafaat bersama.

sekian, salam hormat dan mesra,
Mohamad Rameez Yahaya
Setiausaha Kommuniti Melayu Islam Stoke (Satu tahun sahaja)

Di dalam mesyuarat, diputuskan persatuan ini tidak didaftar di bawah MSD. Namun dilampirkan cadangan PERLEMBAGAAN bagi persatuan ini untuk kemudahan bersama, PERLEMBAGAAN ini hanyalah cadangan dan tertakluk kepada kelulusan JAWATANKUASA yang baru.

Sila semak ejaan nama masing2 dan boleh email ke untuk pembetulan. Begitu juga apa jua artikel hendaklah diposkan kepada moderator blog ini iaitu Encik Mohamad Rawi. Terima kasih.

Proposed Constitution for the Malay Muslims Associations in Stoke-on-Trent, UK


1. Name
The association shall be known as the —Malay Muslims Association
and hereinafter referred to as —MMA

2. Correspondence
Any correspondence to MMA shall be addressed to the Secretary. The address of
MMA shall be the address of the secretary presiding in the corresponding year.

3. Objectives
The objectives of MSA are as follows:
a) To be the platform of unity for Malaysians in regardless of
religion, race, beliefs, or political preferences.
b) To cater the welfare and wellbeing of ALL Malaysians in
regardless of religion, race, beliefs, or political preferences.
c) To organize beneficial and practical programmes for Malaysians in with the aim to unite Malaysians.

4. Policy
a) Respect all races and religions and uphold Islam as the official religion (as
according to the Malaysian Constitution).
b) No involvement in any politically related activities.
c) is a non-registered student organisation under MSD London.


5. Membership

All Malaysians residing in for more than 6 months shall be deemed
automatically to be members of MMA.

6. Types of membership:
a) Ordinary: all Malaysians (above 16 years old) who are residing in
Stoke-on-Trent. (i.e. Students, employees)
b) Associate: any non-Malaysian who applies and pays the membership fee
to become an MMA member.

7. Membership: Procedure, application and registration.
a) Send the application to MMA’s Secretary.
b) The MMA committee members have final decision about the status of

8. Right of Members
8.1 Ordinary member:
a) Contest any seat in the elections, vote/nominate/second any candidate in
any MMA elections.
b) Propose/debate any motion in any MMA meetings.
c) Participate in activities organized by the MMA for its members
d) Use any facilities provided by the MMA for its member.
8.2 Associate member:
a) Propose/debate any motion in any MMA meetings.
b) Participate in activities organized by the MMA for its members.
c) Use any facilities provided by the MMA for its members.

9. Termination of Membership
9.1 MMA Supreme Council shall remove from the membership of any person
a) Who willingly withdraw himself/herself, or
b) Cease to live in Stoke-on-Trent permanently

9.2 The MMA Supreme Council shall have the right to terminate any members
if they think it is appropriate to do so, provided that such member should have
the right to be heard before his/her termination. The MMA Supreme Council
members however shall have just cause to exercise their power under this

10. There will be a minimum of five active members at all times.


11. General Meeting
The highest decision-making authority of MMA will vest in the general meeting of
its members, where every member by him/herself has the right to attend.

12. Annual General Meeting
12.1 Time
MMA shall hold its Annual General Meeting once in every 12 months and notice
of the meeting shall be given to the members not later than two (2) weeks from the
date of the meeting. The date shall be at the discretion of the committee members
presiding at that particular time.
12.2 Extraneous Circumstances
In extraneous circumstances, The Annual General Meeting may be deferred to a
later date but not later than fourteen (14) days after the original date of the general
meeting, or to an agreeable date with a simple majority vote (51%) by MMA
What amounts to extraneous circumstances shall be MMA
committee members of MMA. However, any change to the date of the meeting
shall be informed to the members at least three (3) full days prior to the deferred
12.3 Notice
For the purpose of this clause, notice shall be either in the form of electronic or
written form. The notice shall state the date, time, venue and the matters for the
discussion and the resolutions to be proposed and other relevant agenda.

13. Functions of the Annual General Meeting
The Functions of MMA‘s Annual General Meeting are:
a) To consider and confirm the minutes of the last Annual General Meeting
and of any other intervening general meeting.

b) To consider the reports of the committee members.
c) To consider and adopt any suggested amendments to this constitution.
d) To elect new members of committee.
e) To carry out any other general matters which due notice has been given to
the members.

14. Extraordinary General Meeting
The Committee members may on its own motion convenes an Extraordinary General
Meeting if the think there is an urgent need to do so. The meaning of urgent shall be
determined by the committee members. A twenty four (24) hours notice shall be
given to the members pertaining to this matter. The same rule of notice in clause 12.3
shall apply.

15. Quorum at General Meeting
The quorum necessary to conduct a general meeting shall be one-third (1/3) of the
members of MMA. In the event of the quorum not achieved, clause 12.2 shall
apply unless a simple majority vote (51%) by eligible members present for the
general meeting to continue and be valid.

16. Chairman at the General Meeting
The previous committee members shall elect the chairperson for the Annual General
Meeting before it starts and the current committee members shall elect the chairman
in the case of an Extraordinary General Meeting.

17. Voting at General Meeting
All decisions made at the general meeting shall be decided by a simple majority vote

18. Minutes of General Meeting
A secretary shall be appointed by the Chairperson prior to the general meeting
starting for minute taking. Minutes of the general meeting shall be kept and shall
a) The numbers of members present at the general meeting and the name of the
chairperson who presided;
b) The time the general meeting commenced and ended; and
c) All the resolutions passed and decisions made at the general meeting.

The minutes shall be presented in type-written format to the presiding
committee no later than one (1) week after the general meeting.

19. Submission of proposals by member
Any member who wishes to submit any proposals, resolutions or recommendations
shall do so in writing to the Secretary of MMA at least three (3) days before the date
of the general meeting.
The Submitted proposals, resolutions and recommendations can only be discussed in
the general meeting with prior consent from the members by a simple majority vote.


20. Committee Members
20.1 During the Annual General Meeting any members can be appointed as president, a vice , a secretary and a treasurer will be elected. These people shall be the Supreme Council of MMA and shall represent MMA in all dealings and transaction with third party, which power to direct and supervise the activities of MMA and shall exercise all
necessary powers to ensure full and proper administration of the affairs of MMA.
20.2 The authority to nominate and elect the other portfolios committee
members shall vest in the Supreme Council of MMA

20.3 The committee members shall perform their duty until the next Annual
General Meeting.

20.4 The committee members may expel any of its members if majority the
members are satisfied that such member is not fit to perform its duty to
MMA provided that such member shall have the right to be heard and the
committee shall have the just cause in exercising its power under this

20.5 In the event of an EMSA Supreme Council member being relieved of
their post, and election will take place to replce the outgoing member
within four (4) weeks. A simple majority vote (51%) by MMA
members will be needed. Within the four (4) week period, an eligible
MMA member will be elected to fill the interim Supreme Council
Member post.

21. Functions of the Tok Penghulu:

The Tok Penghulu shall:
a) Act as the head of the committee
b) Chair all the meetings of the committee
c) Have the power to call for the meetings of MMA Committee and to direct
subcommittee to hold its meeting.
d) Be responsible to ensure that activities are in conformity with the
objective of MMA.
e) Release public statements, press releases or hold press conferences on
behalf of MMA.
f) Delegate responsibilities to other committee members pertaining to any
projects of MMA.

22. Functions of the Vice Tok Penghulu:
The vice presidents shall:
a) Assist the president in performing his/her duty efficiently
b) Represent the president and of them shall act as the chairperson of MMA
meetings in the absence of the president
c) Plan, execute and monitor the group bonding among the members of the
committee specifically and MMA members generally.

23. Functions of the Secretary
The secretary shall:
a) Be responsible for all general administrative matters.
b) Prepare and keep minutes of all committee meetings held, list of members
and other relevant records
c) Prepare and present reports of all activities organized by the society during
the Annual General Meeting
d) Represent MMA, together with the president, in all dealings with and
other bodies.

24. Functions of the Treasurer
The treasurer shall:
a) Be responsible to handle all financial matters of the society
b) Ensure that all the money and budget received and spent by MMA,
including the manner in which such receipt and expenditure takes place
are meticulously and fully recorded and kept in proper accurate accounts
c) Prepare the accounts which show the true financial condition of MMA
d) Prepare and present the yearly financial report of all activities organized
by the society during the Annual General Meeting.

25. Joint Responsibility
In the conduct of affairs of MMA, the members of the committee shall exercise
prudence and diligence and shall be jointly responsible to MMA

26. Meeting of Committee Members
The committee shall have the meeting when they feel it is necessary. The quorum of
the meeting shall be at least (1/2) of the numbers of its members. Minutes of the
meeting shall be recorded by the secretary.


27. Amendment
Any amendment made to this constitution shall be agreed by two-third (2/3) majority
of eligible MMA members who attended the general meeting. Draft amendments
are to be available to all MMA members for feedback. Two (2) weeks is given
for feedback before being presented at the general meeting for approval by vote.

28. Accessibility
This constitution shall be available to all MMA members.

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